16 Reasons You Got Rejected At The Final Interview For Cabin Crew

published: Sep, 20, 2023

by: guestposts

So you got rejected. You’re frustrated and depressed. You’re also confused; you thought you already made it. You’ve come this far. It was the final stage. You’re asking yourself, “What did I do wrong?” 

I’ve been there. I know exactly how rejection feels. I was rejected 8 times by three different airlines.

There isn’t a simple answer to why one gets rejected. Don’t bother asking the airlines because they won’t give you their reasons for not selecting you.

However, the airlines will allow you to re-apply after 6 or 12 months. So, the important thing to do after rejection is not to lose hope and maybe be more prepared for the next interview.

Lift your head up and keep trying. Believe it or not; your “acceptance letter” will come sooner than you expect.

Below is a list of questions you should ask yourself. Think back to the interview and try to remember as much as you can. Pinpoint where you might have fallen short.

Why I Got Rejected At The Final Interview For Cabin Crew

1  Did I arrive on time for the interview?

2  Did I dress appropriately for the interview?

3  Did I prepare my resume well?

4  Were there any unemployment periods that I did not have a reason for?

5  Did I fill the application out completely and was I honest?

6  Was I excited about the interview and did I show this to the person interviewing me?

7  Was I too bold and cocky?

8  Did I have a firm handshake?

9  Did I ask too many questions about salary?

10  Did I ask the right questions when the interviewer asked me if I had any?


11  Did I prepare myself well for this interview, or did I just rely on luck?

12  Did I practice answering service-oriented or behavioural-based questions before the interview?

13  Did I listen well when the interviewers were talking and did I follow all their instructions?

14  Did I show any concern about relocation?

15  Did I show that I’ve got all the qualities that a flight attendant needs to have to perform the job well?

16  Did I thank my interviewer for taking time to interview me?

Questions adapted from AirlineCareer.com

If you ask yourself these questions you should be able to figure out where you might have gone wrong.

One thing you should not do; be too hard on yourself.

Remember that the one interviewing you is also human. The whole process is very subjective. It’s what the interviewer “thinks” of you that makes the whole difference.

It’s possible that, in the interviewer’s opinion, another applicant was more qualified for the job than you were at that time. Perhaps the next interviewer will love you!

It’s also probable that the airline you were applying for wasn’t for you. The next airline you apply for turns out to be so much better and you’ll be so grateful that the first airline rejected you. Trust me this happens a lot.  🙂

Let me close with this:

Many years ago, a friend was devastated for being rejected after two consecutive final interviews with one major international airline.

“They just don’t like me!” she blurted at me.

Guess what? She’s now a cabin crew for that very airline for 9 years and still counting!


Don’t give up!

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